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一 就英语词组(一就英语)|全球速看

发表于: 2023-06-11 22:16:44 来源:互联网


导读 来为大家解答以上的问题。一 就英语词组,一就英语这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、as soon as... ...

1、as soon as... (一⋯就⋯)directly... (adv.直接地;恰好;立刻;直截了当地 conj. 一⋯就⋯)immediately... (adv.立刻;现在;紧邻地;直接 conj.一⋯就)presently... (现在,不久 )the moment.. (那一刻)the instant.. (瞬间)the minute..扩展资料:He came around to see me as soon as/the moment/immediatly he checked in the hotel.他刚一入住宾馆就过来看我。

2、They informedusimmediately/directly they got the news.他们一得到消息就通知了我们。

3、She came to the spot the moment/the instant/the minute she heard of the accident.一听说有事故,她就赶到了现场。




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